Spanish Bridal Customs

There are many ways to celebrate a bride, and each couple will place their own unique bend on the day However, some conventional practices did usually have in the ceremony.

One such custom is to have a flower girl walk down the aisle leaving a path of rose petals. This is a symbol of good luck and prosperity for the fresh few. Another is that the bride wears her wedding band on the left hand, and her wedding band on the proper( as opposed to stacking both jewels on the left ).

Spanish marriage ceremonies generally follow Catholic traditions. This means that newlyweds frequently marry in a chapel. Unlike in numerous Western ethnicities, the bride is never accompanied down the aisle by her best man or maid of honor, but by padrinos, or godparents. These are typically the father and mother of the bridegroom, or close family friends of the handful. At the reception, the nose tables is normally set for six persons– the bride beautiful spanish women and groom and their relatives.

After the service, visitors line up outside to put confetti made of dried corn or rose petals. This is believed to bring fertility and happiness to the honeymooners. It is also common for the vicar’s friends to split up his tie into parts, and then offer them to wedding visitors, in order to raise money for the pair. The bride also gives out pins to single ladies, which they are supposed to wear upside down – if they lose theirs, it is a sign that they will get married soon!

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